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Acolyte, 1/4, humanoid (any race), Medium, 10, 9, any alignment, Monster Manual  图书标签: D&D PHB 英语 游戏 异 奇幻 Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual pdf epub mobi txt 下载 · 地下城主 龙与地下城玩家手册pdf epub mobi 下载. 龙与地下城怪物图鉴. 作者:monster manual d&d d. 分类:文学. ISBN:9787894950932. 出版时间:2003.

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Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual Core Rulebook, D&D

What's the best D&D 5e book to buy? It depends on if you are a player, a DM, or both. There are many factors to consider when purchasing a new book.

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